Monday, May 5, 2008

Unique Turtle Discovered in Vietnam


There is good news for the Swinhoe's soft-shell turtle species because one of them has been discovered in the wilds of Vietnam by researchers from a Cleveland zoo.

Swinhoe's soft-shell turtles, a rare species of giant turtle, were previously thought to be extinct in the wild, although there are three in captivity according to experts from he Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Asian turtle program.

The zoo’s Asian turtle program seeks to protect rare species of turtles, which have become extinct in the wild due to killing them for food or to make traditional medicines out of their bones. It is also believed that development and pollution in and near the lakes and habitats of the creatures have led to their demise as well.

In Vietnam, there is a national legend that in the 16th century, a giant golden turtle gave the Vietnamese a victory over the Chinese by giving the people a magic sword. Now, in a village west of Hanoi, some people have claimed that by sighting the giant turtle in their lake, that they have been blessed. In downtown Hanoi, the lake of the legend is home to one of the captive Swinhoe’s soft-shell turtles.

There may also be Swinhoe soft-shell turtle living in Southern China, which was caught on film by an amateur photographer shortly before the discovery was made in Vietnam.

According to turtle expert Peter Pritchard, president of the Chelonian Research Institute, "It's on the very brink of extinction, so every one counts.”

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