Monday, January 26, 2009

Peace Games


In an effort to combat violence with a “get ‘em while they’re young” strategy, Peace Games offers to teach children to resolve conflicts without violence.

Found at, Peace Games offers programs through elementary schools, families and volunteers, to help children grow and live in a safe, conflict-free environment.

Peace Games has many goals that they want to meet in their quest for peace at a childhood level, including building children’s knowledge, relationships and opportunities to be peacmakers, while involving the community at large. The other goals include inspiring new generations of educators and activists as well as removing the stigma of the connection between violence and youth.

For this last goal, Peace Games strives to show that youths are not just victims of violence, but also peacemakers. Not all young people are bullies or bullied, nor are all children likely to commit gun-related incidents in schools. Many children try to help others and avoid conflict and Peace Games want to help build that up through their various partnerships.

Since 1992, when Peace Games was founded by Dr. Francelia Butler, Peace Games has grown to be a national organization, with programs found in nearly every major city in the nation. The program model for Peace Games begins at the school level and then goes on to incorporate more people that can help make a positive impact. From the students, the program grows to include school staff, families, volunteers and eventually the community that supports the school.

If you are interested in becoming a part of Peace Games, the organization offers training programs to help teach and promote peace in a violence-free atmosphere.

Many talk about the need for social change and doing something about the schools, but Peace Games seems to really be getting involved and making peace a reality.

For more information, visit

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