Thursday, July 31, 2008

P.E. for Grown-Ups


I’m not terribly athletic and back in school, Physical Education was the most dreaded hour of the day for me. But I know a lot of kids looked forward to the hour out of the classroom, so it was with much amusement, but less surprise when I read that adults are getting a second chance to experience all the joy of P.E.

Across the country, adults are getting out on Friday night and hitting the gym. The school gym that is, for a chance to get fit and relive their childhood at the same time. At Oldschool P.E. in Newport, NH, the intention is very clear: have the fun of childhood, without all the rules. Couples play on opposing teams, there is no score-keeping and the commissioner, who changes each day, gets to pick the game and how it’s played.

Co-founder Mike Pettinicchio explains, “From the very beginning, we decided on a very small set of rules because we didn't want it to get that 'league' kind of feel. You want to go out, have some fun, be a little competitive, but we all have lives. There are not going to be any scouts in the stands."

In Portland, Ore., adult P.E. is in the form of Urban Recess, which has become so popular that people have been turned away for classes due to space constraints.

Part of the fun is in the social aspect. You get to meet people and workout, without feeling like the goal is working out.

Karin Schmidt got the idea for Urban Recess when talking with a fellow personal trainer, "We said, 'Well, you didn't have to twist a kid's arm to play at recess, why can't we do that as adults?'"

If P.E. was your favorite ‘subject’ in school, look out for a class near you. Or start your own. All the cool kids are doing it.

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