Wednesday, July 30, 2008

San Francisco Tops List of U.S.’s Most Walkable Cities

According to, a website which uses an algorithm to figure out which of the nation’s cities and neighborhoods are easiest to navigate without a car.

San Francisco was dubbed the most walkable city, with a "Walk Score" of 86 out of 100. New York received a score of 83 and Boston a score of 79.

Scores greater than 70 indicate neighborhoods where it's possible to get by without owning a car, while scores greater than 90 qualify communities as a "Walker's Paradise," according to an article found on Reuters.

The site’s goal is to see an area’s walkability score included in the property’s listing. Mike Mathieu, founder of the company that created the site's software explains, “What we see is someone calling up a broker and saying 'I want three bedrooms, two baths, a walkability score of 85, what've you got?"'

To find out if your city is walkable, simply type in an address and watch as the site generates a map, complete with symbols for nearby grocery stores, cafes, movie theaters, schools and parks.

The site seems like it fits in with many of the nation’s new goals, like eliminating obesity and lowering oil use and gas dependency.

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